
IOTA Continues to Advocate for you!

Com­mu­ni­cat­ing with your leg­is­la­tors increas­es their under­stand­ing of occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­py, ensures they under­stand issues that impact our pro­fes­sion and pro­vides sup­port for our pro­fes­sion when IOTA seeks to sup­port or oppose a bill. Please take the time to learn who your leg­is­la­tors are and begin to build a part­ner­ship with them

A sam­ple let­ter can be found here to use to draft your email to your leg­is­la­tor: Ways to Con­tact Your Pol­i­cy Makers

IOTA also encour­ages you to attend our annu­al hill day. This year we will be at the capi­tol on Feb­ru­ary 1st from 1:30 – 5pm. Please RSVP and see details below to pre­pare for the event!

AOTA Updates

AOTA has a num­ber of changes and advo­ca­cy issues they are address­ing at the state and nation­al lev­els. Read more on the AOTA web­site by click­ing the logo below.